To complement the robust portfolio of laboratory research done by COEH faculty, members Yifang Zhu, Linda Delp and Beate Ritz and Director Michael Jerrett also engage in community-based research with environmental justice communities like Porter Ranch and Exide-adjacent communities, the Coalition For A Safe Environment (CFASE), and with underserved worker populations such as immigrant workers, farm workers, construction workers, taxi drivers, home care and other workers. Results demonstrate the critical need to involve workers and community groups in the design, implementation, interpretation and dissemination of results.
Member and Associate Projects
Jerret, M. (PI)
The UCLA Fielding School of Public Health Magazine
Exposure to PM2.5 and PM10 Concentrations and Their Health Impacts on Children Living in the Imperial Valley County (California Southeastern Region)
Seto(PI), Jerrett (Co-I, PI of subaward)
UC Berkeley/University of Washington
2015 –2016
Evaluation of Alternative Sensor-Based Exposure Assessment Methods.