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Our mission is to address occupational and environmental health issues through advanced research, teaching, training opportunities and service to the Southern California community, achieving this through collaboration with sister centers and local to international affiliates.


Preventing Silicosis Conference Report Recommendations
October 17, 2024
In May 2024, UCLA COEH hosted Preventing Silicosis, a conference to bring together affected workers, employers and manufacturers with researchers, unions, community-based organizations and other stakeholders to develop practical and feasible solutions to prevent silicosis caused by artificial stone. The Preventing Silicosis: Meeting Report and Recommendations on the event page summarizes the conference and identifies … Continue reading COEH releases ‘Preventing Silicosis: Meeting Report and Recommendations’
Headshot of Dr. Froines in office with photos and awards behind
July 19, 2022

We sadly inform you of Dr. John Froines’ death on July 13 from complications related to Parkinson’s disease. Among his... Read More

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Recent Publications

Ozone Exposure, Outdoor Physical Activity, and Incident Type 2 Diabetes in the SALSA Cohort of Older Mexican Americans
Yu, Y., Jerrett, M., Paul, K. C., Su, J., Shih, I. F., Wu, J., … & Ritz, B. (2021). Environmental Health Perspectives, 129(9), 097004.

Associations of job strain and family strain with risk of major depressive episode: A prospective cohort study in US working men and women
Matthews, T. A., Robbins, W., Preisig, M., von Känel, R., & Li, J. (2021).  Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 110541.

Long-Term Exposure to PM2.5, Facemask Mandates, Stay Home Orders and COVID-19 Incidence in the United States
Fang, F., Mu, L., Zhu, Y., Rao, J., Heymann, J., & Zhang, Z. F. (2021).  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(12), 6274.

Dynamic Imaging and Characterization of Volatile Aerosols in E-Cigarette Emissions Using Deep Learning-Based Holographic Microscopy
Lu, Y., Wu, Y., Li, L., Guo, Y., Çetintaş, E., Zhu, Y., and Ozcan, A. (2021). ACS Sensors. doi: 10.1021/acssensors.1c00628

Residential proximity to pesticide application as a risk factor for childhood central nervous system tumors
Lombardi, C., Thompson, S., Ritz, B., Cockburn, M. and Heck, J.E. (2021). Environmental Research, 197, p.111078.

Worker Injuries in Southern California’s Warehousing Industry: How to Better Protect Workers in This Burgeoning Industry?
Delp, L.Cole, B., Lozano, G., Riley, K. (2021). New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy. doi:10.1177/10482911211017445

A prospective cohort study of ambient air pollution exposure and risk of uterine leiomyomata
Wesselink, A.K., Rosenberg, L., Wise, L.A., Jerrett, M. and Coogan, P.F.  (2021). Human Reproduction.

Metabolomics analysis of maternal serum exposed to high air pollution during pregnancy and risk of autism spectrum disorder in offspring
Kim, J. H., Yan, Q., Uppal, K., Cui, X., Ling, C., Walker, D. I., … & Ritz, B. (2021). Environmental Research, 110823.

The association between natural environments and childhood mental health and development: A systematic review and assessment of different exposure measurements
Davis, Z., Guhn, M., Jarvis, I., Jerrett, M., Nesbitt, L., Oberlander, T., Sbihi, H., Su, J. and van den Bosch, M. (2021). International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 235, p.113767.

Does Surrounding greenness moderate the relationship between apparent temperature and physical activity? Findings from the PHENOTYPE project 
Ho, J. Y., Zijlema, W. L., Triguero-Mas, M., Donaire-Gonzalez, D., Valentín, A., Ballester, J., Jerrett, M., … & Nieuwenhuijsen, M. J. (2021). Environmental Research, 110992

High-Resolution Metabolomic Assessment of Pesticide Exposure in Central Valley, California
Yan, Q., Paul, K.C., Walker, D.I., Furlong, M.A., Del Rosario, I., Yu, Y., Zhang, K., Cockburn, M.G., Jones, D.P. and Ritz, B.R. (2021). Chemical Research in Toxicology. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00523

Social stress and risk of declining cognition: a longitudinal study of men and women in the United States
Lindert, J., Paul, K.C., Margie, E.L., Ritz, B. and Seeman, T. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, pp.1-10.

Fiber emission of carbon nanotube containing materials for construction applications
Tsai, C. S., Shin, N., & Formella, A. (2021). Aerosol Science and Technology, 1-16.

Impacts of electronic cigarettes usage on air quality of vape shops and their nearby areas 
Li, L., Nguyen, C., Lin, Y., Guo, Y., Abou Fadel, N., & Zhu, Y. (2021). Science of The Total Environment760, 143423.

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