May 21, 2019
10:00pm – 11:00pm
Center for Health Sciences 33-105 at UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
COEH Student Project Awardees from 2018-2019 will present findings of their research to date.
RSVP by Monday 5/20 at
Liqia (Vicky) Li (PhD student in Environmental Health Sciences)
Evaluating the effects of e-liquid components and environmental parameters on evaporation of e-cigarettes emitted fine and ultrafine aerosols
Anne Gelber (PhD student in the School of Nursing)
Workplace predictors of duration of breastfeeding, duration of expressing breast milk in the workplace, and adherence to CDC recommendations for cleaning of a breast pump among employee nurses
Farzan Oroumiyeh (PhD student in Environmental Health Sciences)
Estimation of brake wear contribution to particulate pollution using on-road measurements