May 2, 2018
10:00pm – 10:45pm
CHS 43-105
Spring 2018 COEH & EHS 411 Seminar
Autumn Bernal, PhD
Supervising Health Scientist, Cardno ChemRisk
“Applied Risk Assessment: Integrating the Principles of Toxicology and Exposure Science”
About the lecture: The risk assessment process is a valuable tool in quantifying the potential impact of chemical exposures. The process can be used to retrospectively assess risk from past chemical exposures, or used proactively during the development of consumer products. This talk will explore how the principles of toxicology and exposure science are used to inform on risk for disease in numerous scenarios. We will review various tools that can help define the toxicity of chemicals, their dose-response, potential exposures, and quantification of disease risk.
About the speaker: Dr. Autumn Bernal is a Supervising Health Scientist with over 10 years of experience in toxicological study design, exposure assessment, and human health risk assessment. She has provided consulting support and expertise in cases pertaining to potential risk associated with exposures to asbestos, metals, nanomaterials, combustion products, flavoring chemicals, polychlorinated biphenyl chemicals (PCBs), solvents, and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), such as formaldehyde, methyl ethyl ketone, and acetaldehyde. Dr. Bernal’s focal areas include litigation support, as well as safety assessments for product development, product liability, and regulatory submissions, including in vitro and in vivo study design, toxicological assessments of chemical mixtures, toxicological assessments of leachable and extractables, computational assessments of chemicals, and exposure assessments. Dr. Bernal has over 25 published studies and abstracts on the topics of consumer psychology, genotoxicity, asbestos, PCBs, drug safety and evaluation, flavoring exposure, e-cigarette topography, aldehyde exposure, toxicological effects of early developmental exposures, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) exposures, and radiation exposure.
Supported by the UCLA NIEHS Training Grant in Molecular Toxicology T32ES015457 & The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, UCLA CTSI Grant UL1TR001881. For more information, contact Dr. Oliver Hankinson at