Ozone Exposure, Outdoor Physical Activity, and Incident Type 2 Diabetes in the SALSA Cohort of Older Mexican Americans
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Measurements of NOx and Development of Land Use Regression Models in an East-African City
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Impacts of electronic cigarettes usage on air quality of vape shops and their nearby areas.
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Performance of a Low-Cost Sensor Community Air Monitoring Network in Imperial County, CA.
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Association between road traffic noise and incidence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension in Toronto, Canada: a population-based cohort study.
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Momentary mood response to natural outdoor environments in four European cities.
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Associations of green space metrics with health and behavior outcomes at different buffer sizes and remote sensing sensor resolutions.
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Association of residential greenness with obesity and physical activity in a US cohort of women.
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Linkage between human population and trace elements in soils of the Pearl River Delta: Implications for source identification and risk assessment.
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Association of residential greenness with obesity and physical activity in a US cohort of women
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