Oliver Hankinson

Distinguished Research Professor

Associated Faculty

UCLA Path & Lab Med
13-244 Factor Building
Mail Code: 173216
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1732

Academic Titles/Accomplishments/Affiliations:

PhD, Genetics, Cambridge University, England

Research interest:

Dr. Hankinson is a Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and Director of the Doctoral Program in Molecular Toxicology. He received his Ph.D. in genetics from Cambridge University, England, in 1972. He did postdoctoral research in mammalian cell genetics at Harvard University, the University of Colorado, and the University of California, Berkeley, before joining the UCLA faculty in 1979. He was Director of the Carcinogenesis program of the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center from 1994 to 2003, and Vice-Chair for Research of the Department of Pathology from 1997 to 2003. In 2000 he was founding director of the Molecular Toxicology Ph.D. program.