Li has joined in UCLA as a professor from 2019. He shares a position between the Fielding School of Public Health, Environmental Health Sciences Department and the School of Nursing. Before his appointment at UCLA, Dr. Li had been working in China and Germany with extensive experience on occupational health. He is an active member of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) Scientific Committees on Cardiology in Occupational Health, and on Work Organisation and Psychosocial Factors. During 2006-2010, Dr. Li received three Early Career Awards from the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and other international research societies. Dr. Li’s research interests are psychosocial factors, work stress and health, particularly on epidemiology and intervention evaluation. He has published more than 100 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Additional Publications
FADEL M, SEMBAJWE G, GAGLIARDI D, PICO F, LI J, OZGULER A, SIEGRIST J, EVANOFF BA, BAER M, TSUTSUMI A, IAVICOLI S, LECLERC A, ROQUELAURE Y, DESCATHA A. Association Between Reported Long Working Hours and History of Stroke in the CONSTANCES Cohort. Stroke. 2019 Jul;50(7):1879-1882.
LI J, ATASOY S, FANG X, ANGERER P, LADWIG KH. Combined Effect of Work Stress and Impaired Sleep on Coronary and Cardiovascular Mortality in Hypertensive Workers: The MONICA/KORA Cohort Study. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, online published on 2019 Apr 27:2047487319839183. doi: 10.1177/2047487319839183.
MUTAMBUDZI M, THEORELL T, LI J. Job Strain and Long-Term Sickness Absence from Work – A Ten-Year Prospective Study in German Working Population. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2019, 61 (4): 278-284.
LI J, SIEGRIST J. The Role of Compensation in Explaining Harmful Effects of Overtime Work on Self-reported Heart Disease: Preliminary Evidence from a Germany Prospective Cohort Study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2018, 61 (10): 861-868.
LI J, BIDLINGMAIER M, PETRU R; PEDROSA GIL F; LOERBROKS A; ANGERER P. Impact of Shift Work on the Diurnal Cortisol Rhythm: A One-year Longitudinal Study in Junior Physicians. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 2018, 13: 23.
LI J, BRISSON C, CLAYS E, FERRARIO MM, IVANOV ID, LANDSBERGIS P, LEPPINK N, PEGA F, PIKHART H, PRÜSS-ÜSTÜN A, RUGULIES R, SCHNALL PL, STEVENS G, TSUTSUMI A, UJITA Y, SIEGRIST J. WHO/ILO Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury: Protocol for Systematic Reviews of Exposure to Long Working Hours and of the Effect of Exposure to Long Working Hours on Ischaemic Heart Disease. Environment International, 2018, 119: 558-569.
KAEWBOONCHOO O, SEMBAJWE G, LI J. Associations between Job Strain and Arterial Stiffness: A Large Survey among Enterprise Employees from Thailand. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15 (4). pii: E659.
WEGE N, LI J, SIEGRIST J. Are There Gender Differences in Associations of Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work with Self-Reported Doctor-Diagnosed Depression? Prospective Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2018, 91 (4): 435-443.
BECHER H, DOLLARD MF, SMITH P, LI J. Predicting Circulatory Diseases from Psychosocial Safety Climate: A Prospective Cohort Study from Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15 (3). pii: E415.
MAUSS D, HERR RM, THEORELL T, ANGERER P, LI J. Validating the Demand Control Support Questionnaire among White-Collar Employees in Switzerland and the United States. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 2018, 13: 7.
MUTAMBUDZI M, SIEGRIST J, MEYER JD, LI J. Association between Effort-Reward Imbalance and Self-Reported Diabetes Mellitus in Older U.S. Workers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2018, 104: 61-64.
ZHANG M, LOERBROKS A, LI J. Job Burnout Predicts Decline of Health-Related Quality of Life among Employees with Cardiovascular Disease: A One-Year Follow-Up Study in Female Nurses. General Hospital Psychiatry, 2018, 50: 51-53.
HERR RM, ALMER C, LOERBROKS A, BARRECH A, ELFANTEL I, SIEGRIST J, GÜNDEL H, ANGERER P, LI J. Associations of Work Stress with Hair Cortisol Concentrations – Initial Findings from a Prospective Study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2018, 89: 134-137.
HERR RM, LI J, LOERBROKS A, ANGERER P, SIEGRIST J, FISCHER JE. Effects and Mediators of Psychosocial Work Characteristics on Somatic Symptoms Six Years Later: Prospective Findings from the Mannheim Industrial Cohort Studies (MICS). Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2017, 98: 27-33.
FERRARIO MM, LANDSBERGIS P, TSUTSUMI A, LI J, HYNEK P, KRAUSE N, SMITH P, HOLTERMANN A, CLAYS AE; ICOH Scientific Committee on Cardiology in Occupational Health. Work Environment: An Opportunity for Ground-Breaking Collaborations in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 2017, 24 (2_suppl): 4-6.
ANGERER P, SCHMOOK R, ELFANTEL I, LI J. Night Work and the Risk of Depression: A Systematic Review. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 2017, 114 (24): 404-411.
LI J, RIEDEL N, BARRECH A, HERR RM, AUST B, MÖRTL K, SIEGRIST J, GÜNDEL H, ANGERER P. Long-Term Effectiveness of a Stress Management Intervention at Work: A 9-Year Follow-Up Study Based on a Randomized Wait-List Controlled Trial in Male Managers. BioMed Research International, 2017, 2017: 2853813.
RIEDEL N, LOERBROKS A, BOLTE G, LI J. Do Perceived Job Insecurity and Annoyance due to Air and Noise Pollution Predict Self-Rated Poor Health? A Prospective Analysis of Independent and Joint Associations Using a German National Representative Cohort Study. BMJ Open, 2017, 7 (1): e012815.
RIEDEL N, SIEGRIST J, WEGE N, LOERBROKS A, ANGERER P, LI J. Do Effort and Reward at Work Predict Changes in Cognitive Function? First Longitudinal Results from the Representative German Socio-Economic Panel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14 (11). pii: E1390.
WEGE N, ANGERER P, LI J. Effects of Lifetime Unemployment Experience and Job Insecurity on Two-Year Risk of Physician-Diagnosed Incident Depression in the German Working Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14 (8). pii: E904.
LI J, RIEDEL N, BARRECH A, HERR RM, AUST B, MÖRTL K, SIEGRIST J, GÜNDEL H, ANGERER P. Nine-Year Longitudinal Psychosocial and Mental Outcomes of a Stress Management Intervention at Work Using Psychotherapeutic Principles. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 2017, 86 (2): 113-115.
SIEGRIST J, LI J. Work Stress and Altered Biomarkers: A Synthesis of Findings Based on the Effort-Reward Imbalance Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14 (11). pii: E1373.
LI J, LOERBROKS A, BOSMA H, ANGERER P. Work Stress and Cardiovascular Disease: A Life Course Perspective. Journal of Occupational Health, 2016, 58 (2): 216-219.
LOERBROKS A, SHANG L, ANGERER P, LI J, CHINESE NEXT STUDY GROUP. Psychosocial Work Characteristics and Needle Stick and Sharps Injuries among Nurses in China: A Prospective Study. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2015, 88 (7): 925-932.
LI J, DOLLARD MF, LOERBROKS A, ANGERER P. Cardiovascular Disease is Associated with the Perception of Worsening Psychosocial Work Characteristics. International Journal of Cardiology, 2015, 186: 149-151.
LOERBROKS A, SHANG L, ANGERER P, LI J. Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work Increases the Risk of the Metabolic Syndrome: A Prospective Study in Chinese University Staff. International Journal of Cardiology, 2015, 182: 390-391.
LI J, ZHANG M, LOERBROKS A, ANGERER P, SIEGRIST J. Work Stress and the Risk of Recurrent Coronary Heart Disease Events: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 2015, 28 (1): 8-19.
LOERBROKS A, WEIGL M, LI J, GLASER J, DEGEN C, ANGERER P. Workplace Bullying and Depressive Symptoms: A Prospective Study among Junior Physicians in Germany. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2015, 78 (2): 168-172.
LOERBROKS A, BOSCH JA, DOUWES J, ANGERER P, LI J. Job Insecurity is Associated with Adult Asthma in Germany during Europe’s Recent Economic Crisis: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2014, 68 (12): 1196-1199.
JARCZOK MN, JARCZOK M, MAUSS D, KOENIG J, LI J, HERR RM, THAYER JF. Autonomic Nervous System Activity and Workplace Stressors – A Systematic Review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2013, 37 (8): 1810-1823.
LI J, WEIGL M, GLASER J, PETRU R, SIEGRIST J, ANGERER P. Changes in Psychosocial Work Environment and Depressive Symptoms: A Prospective Study in Junior Physicians. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2013, 56 (12): 1414-1422.
GALATSCH M, LI J, DERYCKE H, MÜLLER BH, HASSELHORN HM. Effects of Requested, Forced and Denied Shift Schedule Change on Work Ability and Health of Nurses in Europe – Results from the European NEXT-Study. BMC Public Health, 2013, 13: 1137.
LI J, JARCZOK MN, LOERBROKS A, SCHÖLLGEN I, SIEGRIST J, BOSCH JA, WILSON MG, MAUSS D, FISCHER JE. Work Stress is Associated with Diabetes and Prediabetes: Cross-Sectional Results from the MIPH Industrial Cohort Studies. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2013, 20 (4): 495-503.
LI J, SHANG L, GALATSCH M, SIEGRIST J, MÜLLER BH, HASSELHORN HM, NEXT STUDY GROUP. Psychosocial Work Environment and Intention to Leave the Nursing Profession: A Cross-National Prospective Study of Eight Countries. International Journal of Health Services, 2013, 43 (3): 519-536.
LI J, GALATSCH M, SIEGRIST J, MÜLLER BH, HASSELHORN HM, EUROPEAN NEXT STUDY GROUP. Reward Frustration at Work and Intention to Leave the Nursing Profession – Prospective Results from the European Longitudinal NEXT Study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2011, 48 (5): 628-635.
LI J, FU H, HU Y, SHANG L, WU YH, KRISTENSEN TS, MUELLER BH, HASSELHORN HM. Psychosocial Work Environment and Intention to Leave the Nursing Profession: Results from the Longitudinal Chinese NEXT Study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2010; 38 (Suppl 3): 69-80.
LI J, YANG W, CHO SI. Gender Differences in Job Strain, Effort-Reward Imbalance, and Health Functioning among Chinese Physicians. Social Science & Medicine, 2006, 62 (5): 1066-1077.
LI J, YANG W, CHENG Y, SIEGRIST J, CHO SI. Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work and Job Dissatisfaction in Chinese Healthcare Workers: a Validation Study. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2005, 78 (3): 198-204.
LI J, YANG W, LIU P, XU Z, CHO SI. Psychometric Evaluation of the Chinese (Mainland) Version of Job Content Questionnaire: a Study in University Hospitals. Industrial Health, 2004, 42 (2): 260-267.