January 13, 2025
Science-based Advocacy for Clean Water
Shelley Luce, PhD
President & CEO, Heal the Bay
RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/science-based-advocacy-for-clean-water-tickets-176758488397
About the speaker: Shelley is responsible for determining Heal the Bay’s policy priorities, forming smart strategic alliances, and growing public participation across greater Los Angeles. Shelley, who holds a Doctorate of Environmental Science and Engineering from UCLA and a B.S. in Biology from McGill University, began her advocacy career at Heal the Bay, serving as a staff scientist from 2001-2005. She went on to hold executive director positions at the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission, the Bay Foundation, and the Environment Now Foundation before rejoining Heal the Bay as President and Chief Executive Officer in 2017.